Remember when all you had to do was run through a sprinkler? Or lay on your back and watch the clouds float by? I definately remember and love being able to share these simple joys with my boys.
What has happened to childhood? When asked "what are your kids doing this summer?" I always reply, "playing." I am fortunate enough to be able to be home during the week. I know this is not the case for everyone. I just don't see the need to schedule all of my children's time with organized activities. They are only 4 and 7 and should be left to enjoy what little time there is to just be kids with not a care in the world. As parents, we are told that in order for our children to be "great" they should learn x, y, and z.... Yes, they should. But, they should also learn what wonders await when all they have is a backyard and all the time in a day to fill it with wonderous things from their imaginations.
Think about your own childhood and what made summers really special. Was it running from sport to sport or camp to camp? Or was it those days when you could work on that fort or tree house? Or catch crayfish in the pond? How about just sitting under a tree watching ants and thinking about the worlds that exist underground?
Have a wonderful lazy summer!